坂田洞察(University of Bordeaux/CENBG)
Geant4 Implementation of Electromagnetic Interaction Models for AuNP Boosted Radiation Therapy
Raniel Sarmiento(Philips Hospital & Health Care)
Pinnacle Auto-Planning with version P16
Shahar Daniel(RAMBAM Health Care Campus)
Radiation therapy in Israel
坂田洞察(University of Bordeaux/CENBG)
Geant4-DNA implementation of electromagnetic interaction models for AuNP boosted radiation therapy
Sebastien Incerti(CNRS/IN2P3/CENBG)
Geant4-DNA project
Shahar Daniel(RAMBAM Health Care Campus)
Prostate SBRT (Clinical Practice)
Shahar Daniel(RAMBAM Health Care Campus)
Monaco and Pinnacle Auto Planning for prostate SBRT
Raniel Sarmiento(Philips Hospital & Health Care)
Intensity-modulated proton therapy on Pinnacle P16
Cedric X. Yu(University of Maryland School of Medicine)
GammaPod — A new device dedicated for stereotactic radiotherapy of breast cancer